Welcome to private investigator exams

I wanted to thank you for your purchase of the Computer Based Private Investigator Practice Examination. I think you'll find it an invaluable tool as you prepare for the actual state examination. Feedback to date from those who have taken the test before you have been very positive. I want to wish you the best of luck in taking the Louisiana Private Investigator Practice Examination.


Please go to the following link: https://testmoz.com/q/12726102 This will bring you to the student login page. Enter your name and your passcode is: LAPIEXAM (This is case sensitive so use all CAPS). If you have any problems downloading the file(s) please contact me at privateinvestigatorexams@gmail.com.

This website is not affiliated or sponsored by any state or organization. The information provided was researched through open-source material and collected from the individual state sponsoring the examination. The practice examinations created are based on each states laws, policies and regulations. They were created based on an examination outline and content structure. The state has a bank of hundreds, if not thousands, of test questions to choose from when creating individual tests. This is another safety measure taken by the testing company to help protect their test from compromise. Therefore, when you buy one of our practice examinations you are purchasing knowing that these are sample questions that will NOT be on the actual test, nor can we say that all subjects in our practice examination will be on the State examination. Use our practice examinations as a study tool and not your only study guide material. We recommend you study the material and take our examination to help test your knowledge of what you have studied thus far. We do not recommend taking our practice examination and using it as your only study material. Our SME's have written questions based on the subject matter obtained from the state. The SME's used their expertise, training and experience to build questions in the same manner as a test development program. We therefore want to make clear that any questions similar in any manner to questions on the actual examination are purely coincidental. We do not condone nor encourage cheating in any manner. Our products are to be used as a study guide and tool to pass the state licensing examination. Do not hold us responsible if you fail the examination, it's you and only you who is responsible for studying and retaining knowledge of the material provided by the state. Any questions can be posted to the President, privateinvestigatorexams@gmail.com

Thanks again for your purchase.


Gregg Munroe
